
In Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure, the game unfolds on a vast grid where every element—characters, objects, puzzles—moves in harmony with player actions. Stepping off one edge of the grid results in looping to the other side. Without fail states, the game challenges players through intricate puzzles rather than traditional confrontations.

We set foundational rules to shape the game world, keeping it manageable and focused. Each town includes two main dungeon areas, culminating in a significant puzzle or "boss encounter" at the end. These bosses are complex puzzles integrated into the story, with obstacles linked to a mysterious force called "the static," represented by a glowing purple aura.

The static remains unaffected by Jemma’s powers and stays in place, adding a distinctive challenge. The first boss involves a growing worm that shrinks the usable grid with each phase, while later bosses enlarge the grid but require more complex strategies to overcome. Balancing the space for movement and puzzle complexity has been crucial, with extensive iterations leading to the final gameplay experience.