The new series begins with Teo, Jabali, and It-Z starting on a high-stakes mission where they face off against a competing crew.
With each Freegunner in Concord, our team has adopted a comprehensive approach to development, integrating gameplay design, narrative, art, and more to ensure they’re not only fun and engaging but also feel like well-rounded characters. Every aspect, from their core gameplay to their movements and the performances of our cast, is crafted to reflect their personalities, backgrounds, and journey through the Concord galaxy.
Last weekend, during the Open Beta and earlier this month’s Early Access Beta, you got a glimpse of the game and its characters.
As we approach the August launch, we’re excited to reveal more about our roster of 16 playable Freegunners, along with a limited animated series called Concord: Freegunner Adventures. The first episode, Concord Freegunner Adventures: Crew First, premieres today, featuring Teo, Jabali, and It-Z in a high-stakes job against a rival crew.
In the coming days and weeks, we’ll be releasing new gameplay trailers for each Freegunner in our launch roster, offering a closer look at their abilities and equipment. Both the episodes of *Concord Freegunner Adventures* and the gameplay trailers will be available on the official PlayStation YouTube channel.